Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day: 1

Day one of Insanity is technically the "Fit Test". I did that a few weeks back so I skipped it this time. So, my first day of Insanity was "Plyometric Cardio Circuit". Let me tell you, the warm-up kicked my ass. I was so out of breath I had to take a quick break. Once you're past the warm-up, you start stretching. It felt so good! I definitely need to stretch more often. After the warm-up, the actual workout begins. It starts off with "Suicide Drills".  You end up doing each cycle 3 times, getting faster each time. I was barely able to finish the 3rd cycle. I was panting so hard and sweating like a pig! But then, I thought I saw the light at the end of the tunnel but that was quickly extinguished. After the "Suicide Drills" came 3 cycles of "Basketball Drills". I was in major danger of puking at that point so I skipped to the cool-down/stretch section. It felt so good to stand there and get my breathing under control. The stretch felt amazing after that workout. Before working out, I was in a bad/apathetic mood. My mood definitely improved after working out. I feel happy, energized, exhilarated and a ton of other moods and emotions that I can't put into words. Even though it's just day one, I'm feeling extremely optimistic. If I can keep this up, I'm going to have awesome results!

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